Land: The Best Art

I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want to own.
Andy Warhol

The great golf courses of the world fit this quote perfectly as their character is largely land driven. The architect simply find the best holes in the landscape and integrates the essentials; greens, tees, hazards along with the needed engineering.

It's why great properties with good soils are the cheapest golf courses to construct. Most of the architecture is complete, and a sympathetic architect realizes to leave well enough alone.

It's also why courses without cart paths are more appealing.

Leaving well enough alone isn't enough though. The architect has to focus laser-like on every adjustment he makes to the land. Mediocrity in this department is the ruination of a tremendous opportunity.

Unfortunately it is the common result because talking about action is easier than making a personal commitment to it.

...during the last twenty-five years or so…The (professional) architects had so many scattered projects on their agenda that they could not find the time to stay put at any one course during the critical weeks and sometimes months, when rough ideas are translated into holes that really play.Herbert Warren Wind
Forward to the 1987 reprint of Golf Architecture, 1920. Dr. Alister Mackenzie.

Tony Ristola
+49 (0)173 450 4552
+1(909) 581 0080