The Single Difference Between Success and Failure

Understanding what not to do can be just as important as figuring out what to do. In all the years that I have counseled and educated investors, the single difference between success and failure, between gain and loss, boils down to one word: knowledge. Paul Mladjenovic, Stock Investing for Dummies, 2nd Edition, 2006

But where to get that knowledge?

The promoters try to tell you their services are best, but what is best?

Knowledge transfer is critical, and plans only provide information, not knowledge.

Knowledge has to come from the visionary... the architect.

If you’re doing six or eight or ten, or twelve or twenty golf courses at a time, you can’t control it all – there’s too much work to do in any given hour of any given day. Bill Coore, Interview with travelgolf.comThere is too much knowledge that requires communication... even with two courses being built concurrently.

Three courses, with travel, would only allow the architect to visit once per week. provides a lot of views about golf course architecture. What is valuable and what isn't. It's a golf investor's best independent resource.

Tony Ristola
+49 (0)173 450 4552
+1(909) 581 0080