The Best Return on Your Money

“The very best return you are ever going to get on money invested is from education.” Ben Franklin

Plans do not provide an education, or knowledge, they provide cold, sterile information.

Most builders work with architects in an on-and-off basis.

Construction teams change, companies change, and the architect, if he seeks the best solutions for your property will have his style change from project to project.

To educate the builders about all the information that will make your course exceptional requires an architect leading the effort. He's the leader, educator, motivator, evaluator, visionary, and all around encyclopedia for work to be accomplished.

No question, the best return on money invested is education. It speeds the effort, reduces costs, keeps the crew interested, makes work more fun, and ensures the architect's vision is accomplished.

Tony Ristola
+49 (0)173 450 4552
+1(909) 581 0080