Pure Strategy & Perfect Information... Dream On

In microeconomics, a state of perfect information is required for perfect competition. That is, assuming that all agents are rational and have perfect information, they will choose the best products, and the market will reward those who make the best products with higher sales. Perfect information would practically mean that all consumers know all things, about all products, at all times, and therefore always make the best decision regarding purchase... Source: answers.com

Plans and planning provide far from "Perfect Information". Nobody can ever know all things, about all products, at all times, and therefore always make the best decision from looking at a set of plans.

Nobody will produce Perfect Plans... provide Perfect Information.

Even when the vision is personally delivered by the architect, it's wisest for the architect to stick around and monitor the feature being built. That way he can refine the feature being built, or stop the builder in case he misunderstood even part of the explanation. Though not perfect, it's the next closest thing.

Tony Ristola
+49 (0)173 450 4552
+1(909) 581 0080